Hepalbin Adsorbent technologies

The nano structured Hepalbin®-Adsorbents are specifically designed and qualified for clinical and laboratory use. Albutec is offering the first technology worldwide for applying effective human albumin solutions without caprylate and acetyltryptophanate, which is most important for patients with liver failure.

Used in albumin dialysis the Hepalbin Adsorbent technology significantly improves liver patient’s Albumin Binding Capacity and consequently enhances the outcome in terms of recovery and survival!

Hepalbin Adsorber

The Hepalbin-Adsorbent enables the bed-side removal of unwanted contaminations of human albumin solutions with caprylate and acetyltryptophanate and provides thereby a product, which resolves the conflict between the need for stabilizers during production and storage and the desire for clean albumin with available binding sites after infusion or for albumin dialysis.

Hepalbin Cluster

Equivalent to the Hepalbin™-Adsorbent, the Hepalbin™-Cluster12 eliminates undesired substances from fluids for pharmaceutical or medical use. The intended use includes the removal of potentially toxic substances from larger volumes of albumin solutions (e.g. caprylate and N-acetyltryptophan) used for intravenous applications or used as dialysate solutions. As the adsorbent component in the OPAL Treatment-Kit the Hepalbin™-Cluster12 effectively removes toxins from the dialysate in a recirculation mode for up to 24 hours.

Hepalbin MaxiCycler(1-9)

Addressing the same intended use (Removal of toxins for pharmaceutical and medical use) the MaxiCycler offers five different sizes as a new generation of clinicians is utilizing the devices in emerging therapy options for an entirely new range of indications and conditions. Equivalent to the Hepalbin™-Adsorbent undesired toxic substances are effectively removed from different volumes of albumin solutions used for intravenous applications or used as dialysate solutions. As the adsorbent component in the ALBUNIQUE Treatment-Kit the MaxiCycler effectively removes toxins from the dialysate in a recirculation mode for up to 24 hours.

efficient and targeted

ECAD Treatment Kits

Depending on the dialysis platform Albutec offers different treatment kits. As the central component the Hepalbin Adsorbent Technology is always part of the Kit. It effectively removes toxins from the dialysate in a recirculation mode for up to 24 hours. The all new MaxiCycler offers five different sizes as a new generation of clinicians is utilizing the devices in emerging therapy options for an entirely new range of indications and conditions. Equivalent to the Hepalbin™-Adsorbent but with tremendously enhanced capacity undesired toxic substances are effectively removed to significantly improve liver patient’s Albumin Binding Capacity and consequently enhance the outcome in terms of recovery and survival!

Embedded in pre-arranged user-friendly tubing specifically designed for albumin dialysis and combined with selected dialyzers the Maxicycler delivers best performance data to ensure not only safe and reliable but at the same time efficient and targeted treatments.

Contact us to find the best treatment option for your patients and your platform.


Specific tubing enables the use of the MaxiCycler in combination with the Mars Monitor Set-Up on several dialysis platforms.

Albunique (MF)

Liver support designed for Fresenius Multifiltrate. Utilize an infusion pump as an add-on to the dialysis system to perform Albumin Dialysis with a customized tubing kit.

Additional equipment

Infusion pump

We are offering several infusion pumps. They are compatible with the Albunique treatment kit and can be used on a Multifiltrate dialysis system to perform albumin dialysis. Please contact us if you are interested in further information about the infusion pump set-up for Multifiltrate or other platforms.

Particle Filter

This particulate filter is manufactured to meet the demand for retention of particles, bacteria, and fungi in laboratory use.

Holder & Hanger

Accessories specifically designed for a user friendly and safe set-up on the Multifiltrate platform. Please contact us if you want to learn more about the additional components to simplify the use of the new Albunique treatment kit.