The potential of ECAD Therapies ...

Helping Doctors

We aim to help doctors, nurses and the medical team to excel and save lives of thousands of patients with a targeted, reliable platform technology for extracorporeal albumin dialysis.

Especially high-end critical care in liver failure is becoming safer and significantly more efficient.

Albumin Binding Capacity

Significantly improving surrogate biomarkers for recovery and survival in liver patients.

With the degree of improving hepatic encephalopathy, hemodynamics & renal failure we have shown the improvement of ACLF grading based survival & by improving albumin binding the potential to recovery

Selected US-numbers over the last decade reveal the potential


Hospitalizations for cirrhosis nearly doubled


Costs 2-fold for cirrhosis


Costs 5-fold for ACLF

The potential of ECAD Therapies

During ECAD treatment patient’s blood is purified with classical dialysis expanded with an albumin enriched dialysate recirculation to support or replace liver function in patients with acute or acute on chronic liver failure.

ECAD Systems were once considered a last resort (bridge to transplant). But this is changing as a new generation of clinicians is utilizing the devices in emerging therapy options for an entirely new range of indications and conditions. And these numbers are rising constantly.

These new approaches motivated us to reinvent albumin purification bottom-up and to redesign both the adsorbent technology and the tubing. Manufactured in well-known and experienced European facilities the cutting-edge MaxiCycler has the potential for a paradigm shift in liver support – from detoxification to regeneration – as the device is:

Safe & reliable

more than 5,000 successful treatments in hospitals across Europe

Efficient & targeted

significantly improved albumin binding function & detoxification as key indicators for success

User friendly

pre-arranged customized tubing kits specifically designed for liver dialysis


tubing & adsorbent designed to minimize the need of albumin and other resources

Ready to scale

thousands of kits manufactured in serial production & successfully sold into the market

Superior in enhancing the risk-benefit ratio

avoids removal of valuable blood components & reduces adverse events

Strong IP

Our patent portfolio protects our USP

Significantly improving recovery & survival in liver patients

With the degree of improving hepatic encephalopathy, hemodynamics & renal failure we have shown the improvement of ACLF grading based survival & by improving albumin binding the potential to recovery