From Detoxification to Regeneration
A paradigm shift in liver support!
Our nano structured Hepalbin®-Adsorbent Technology is specifically designed and qualified for clinical and laboratory use. Albutec has taken a disruptive approach, utilizing customized charcoal adhered to specially designed discs embedded in optimal flow dynamics.
Meet the inventors of liver support. Based on thorough R&D Albutec has developed, manufactures and now markets proprietary sorbent technology (Hepalbin) to create unique albumin detoxification quality for liver support devices and iv use (Albunique). The company relies on a seasoned team of professionals gathering decades of experience in the field.
Enhanced Albumin (AlbuniqueTM) is the Key – & on our way to improve Albumin Binding Capacity the Hepalbin Adsorbent Technology is designed for three significant improvements.
Albutec GmbH
What drives us
Defining a completely new standard in
Extra Corporeal Albumin Dialysis (ECAD)
To detoxify liver patients achieving meaningful, life-saving clinical benefits (liver, renal, cerebral, circulatory improvement) providing time for regeneration or bridging to transplant.
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